Evaluating Rare Earth Elements as Tracers of Fluvial Processes: Fine Sediment Transport and Deposition in a Small Stream


Govenor Heather,Hession W. Cully,Keys Tyler A.,Jones C. Nathan,Stewart Ryan D.,Krometis Leigh-Anne H.


HighlightsNatural sediments labeled with rare earth elements can effectively be used as tracers for quantifying fine sediment transport and deposition.Two artificial floods in a small stream (100 ha watershed, 1.5 year return flow of 515 L s-1) transported fine sediment 0 m to >850 m at a maximum flow rate of 55 L s-1.Sediment deposition per unit area was greater in the channel than in the near-channel floodplain.Use of two distinct tracers demonstrated resuspension extent during sequential high-flow events.Presence of large wood in the channel was associated with reduced streamflow rate, decreased suspended sediment transport velocity, increased channel sediment deposition, and reduced near-floodplain sediment deposition.Abstract. Effective sediment management requires an understanding of the lag time between best management practice implementation and observable changes in the target water body. To improve our understanding of sediment lag times, we tested a method to label locally sourced sediments with rare earth elements to quantify fine sediment flow-through and storage in fluvial systems. We injected sediments labeled with lanthanum and ytterbium into a small stream during two artificial flood events. During the floods, we collected and quantified suspended sediments and sediment deposition in the stream channel and floodplain at four cross-sections within our study reach. Two down-gradient (90 m and 850 m) time-integrated suspended sediment samplers evaluated total travel distance. Sediment tracer observations of particle transport distances ranged from 0 m to at least 850 m at a maximum flow rate of 55 L s-1 (stream 1.5 year flow was 515 L s-1). Sediment deposition per unit area was greater in the channel than in the floodplain. The majority of sediment tracer mass injected into the stream entered storage within the first 69 m of the reach. Some particles that deposited following the first flood were resuspended and either transported downstream or redeposited within the study reach. Our results support the further use of rare earth elements as sediment tracers to inform water quality and sediment transport models, and to provide estimates of lag times between management actions and downstream improvements. Keywords: Fine sediment, Flood, Fluvial geomorphology, Lag time, Large wood, Rare earth elements, Sediment deposition, Sediment transport, Tracer.


American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)


Soil Science,Agronomy and Crop Science,Biomedical Engineering,Food Science,Forestry








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