
Bilokin Aleksander1


1. Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchayev


The article substantiates the basics of technical modernization management of the material and technical support system of agricultural sector in modern conditions of economic development. The efficiency of any agricultural production is impossible without a sufficient level of material and technical resources. Logistics is the basis for the functioning of the agricultural sector economy, which contributes to the development and improvement production in all its spheres. From the point of view of logistical support, the peculiarity of agricultural production is the use in its process of machinery and agricultural machinery with a relatively short period of use. It has been established that the determination of the need for machines and agricultural machinery, the organization of their purchase, maintenance and repair is an important part of the logistical support management system. Thus, the introduction of innovative technologies in the agricultural sector requires the improvement of the logistical support management system, the modernization of the machine-technological base, the improvement of the technical equipment of the industry and its technical and technological potential. Technical modernization of the agricultural sector involves not only the processes of restoration and reproduction of the technical base, but also the development and implementation of innovative, resource-saving technologies based on the use of modern types of machinery and equipment. Innovative management of the logistical support system in order to modernize the agricultural sector can be defined as a system of economic, organizational and managerial measures aimed at improving technical equipment and improving technologies in order to ensure the production of products in the agricultural sector with the minimum cost of all resources. The implementation of technical modernization management should be based on an objective assessment of the level of technical equipment, the formation of adequate financing mechanisms, taking into account the market conditions for agricultural machinery and technologies used.


International University of Business and Law


Automotive Engineering

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