Nanoscale ZnFe2O4 Catalyst for Wastewater Treatment from Dyes by Oxidative Degradation


Tomina E.V.1,Kurkin N.A.2,Konkina D.A.2


1. Voronezh State Forestry University named after G.F. Morozov

2. Voronezh State University


The synthesis of a nanosized heterogeneous catalyst ZnFe2O4by the microwave method and by the method of citrate combustion has been carried out. Chemical homogeneity, size, dispersion, and morphological features of nanopowders were characterised. Zinc ferrite synthesized by the citrate combustion method was chosen to study the catalytic properties in the processes of destruction of industrial toxicants. It was found that nanosized ZnFe2O4(average particle size of about 50 nm) is an effective catalyst for the oxidation of organic dyes: methyl orange (destruction degree 46 %) and methylene blue (destruction degree 77 %) in Fenton processes without additional heating and ultraviolet irradiation. The results of the study can be used in the development of new systems for water treatment and ensuring the environmental safety of industrial enterprises using organic dyes in production cycles.




Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law,Pollution,Ecology

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