1. 1) F.H. Froes and P. Desai, Recent Developments in Powder Metallurgy Processing Techniques, MIAC/CINDAS, University of Purdue, West Lafayette, IA, Oct. 1994.
2. 2) F.H. Froes, D. Eylon, and H.B. Bomberger: Titanium Technology: Present Status and Future Trends. (1985) Titanium Development Association, Dayton, OH.
3. 3) R.L. Bickerdike, D. Clark, J.N. Eastabrook, G. Hughes, W.N. Mair, P.G. Partridge, and H.C. Ranson: Rapidly Solidified Materials, eds. P.W. Lee and R.S. Carbonara, (1987) ASM Int., Materials Park, OH, 137.
4. 4) R.L. Bickerdike, D. Clark, G. Hughes, M.C. McConnell, W.N. Mair, P.G. Partridge, and B.W. Viney: Ibid, 145.
5. 5) F.H. Froes and C. Suryanarayana: “Powder Processing of Titanium Alloys”, Book Series. on Reviews in Particulate Materials, eds. A. Bose, R. German, and A. Lawley, (1993) MPIF, Princeton, NJ.