1. 1) A. A. Bryukhanov and I. A. Moroz: Fiz. Metallov Metalloved., 42 (1976), 664.
2. 2) A. A. Bryukhanov, V. S. Ivaniy, I. A. Moroz and Z. A. Bryuhanov: Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Tsvern. Metallurg., No. 3 (1976), 106.
3. 3) B. R. Tittmann, G. A. Alers and L. J. Graham: Metall. Trans., 7A (1976), 229.
4. 4) Zhang Qi-ren: Computation Base for Measured Value, Science Press, (1965), 342.
5. 5) Metal Handbook, Japan Institute of Metals, MARUZEN CO. Ltd., (1974), 35.