1. 1) I. Obinata, D. Oelschlägel and Y. Takeuchi: J. Inst. Metals, 95 (1967), 158.
2. 2) K. Little, G. V. Raynor and W. Hume-Rothery: J. Inst. Metals, 73 (1946–1947), 83.
3. 3) K. Little and W. Hume-Rothery: J. Inst. Metals, 74 (1947–1948), 521.
4. 4) I. Obinata, E. Hata and K. Yamaji: Nippon Kinzoku Gakkaishi, 17 (1953), 496.
5. 5) R. Ichikawa and T. Ohashi: Light Metals, 16 (1966), 120.