1. 1) K. Hauffe: Oxidation of Metals, Plenum Press, (1965), p. 255, 273.
2. 2) O. Kubaschewski and B. E. Hopkins: Oxidation of Metals and Alloys, 2nd Edn., Butterworths, London, (1967), p. 108, 230, 270.
3. 3) P. Kofstad: High Temperature Oxidation of Metals, John Wiley & Sons. Inc., (1966), p. 33, 36, 128, 131.
4. 4) A. G. Goursat and W. W. Smeltzer: High Temperature Materials Coatings and Surface Interactions, Ed. by J. B. Newkirk, Freund Publishing House, Israel, (1980), p. 47.
5. 5) P. J. Jorgensen: Oxidation of Metals & Alloys, ASM Seminar (Oct. 1970), p. 157.