1. 1) R. P. Elliott: Constitution of Binary Alloys, First Supplement, McGraw-Hill, (1965), p. 438.
2. 2) K. Sumiyama, M. Kadono and Y. Nakamura: Trans. JIM, 22 (1981), 686.
3. 3) K. Sumiyama and Y. Nakamura: Proc. 4th Int. Conf. on Rapidly Quenched Metals, Japan Inst. Metals, (1982), p. 1549.
4. 4) K. Sumiyama, M. Kadono and Y. Nakamura: submitted to Trans. JIM.
5. 5) K. Sumiyama and Y. Nakamura: Trans. JIM, 23 (1982), 595.