The main purpose of the article is the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the modern approach to the formation of a model of state regulation of investment support for innovative industrial development in the context of helping to increase the level of financial security. The object of the study is the innovative development of the industrial sector of the Ukrainian economy. At the same time, the scientific task will be to present a methodological approach to assessing the current state of trends in investment support for innovative industrial development in all regions of Ukraine as a tool for state regulation. The research methodology involves the use of modern methods of analysis and synthesis of available information on the research topic. A nonparametric statistical method was used to analyze the trends and dynamics of industrial development in Ukraine. The integral assessment method was used to form a methodological approach to assessing the level of investment support for innovative development as an effective instrument of state regulation. As a result of the study, a model of state regulation of investment support for innovative industrial development is presented. An assessment was made of the level of investment support for innovative industrial development concerning the proposed model. Based on the results obtained, measures to ensure financial security in the conditions of Industry 4.0 are proposed. The key financial obstacles to investment support for innovative industrial development are presented, ordered by the priority of the state's response to them. The study has limitations in that it does not take into account all aspects of state regulation. In this case, only the specifics of the industrial sector of the economy were taken into account.