Integration et immigration : un enjeu du dynamisme social et consequences des politiques d’aide publique au developpement


Mungala Misi,


Official development assistance has shown its limits in the face of persistent poverty on the African continent. Some think that the development aid policies adopted, better still, led by the West are incompatible with African culture. Others, on the other hand, believe that official development assistance fuels Africa's dependence on the West and therefore promotes its continued underdevelopment. Indeed, it is obvious that aid policies maintain an asymmetrical relationship between the two partners. However, although the Western model of development is opposed to the African socio-political archaeology, it is no less true that Africa is capable of experiencing cultural changes. This study proposes to explore two paths deemed to be able to make Africa flourish. It is first of all the integration of Africa into the West through the process of immigration in order to allow this continent to redefine its culture and thus forge a new way of perceiving Western science. Secondly, the highlighting of immigration issues in the equation between the North and the South of the Mediterranean is a game-changer in the cooperation relationship between the West and Africa. A relationship of symmetry, of equals, is possible for both Africa and Europe. Keywords: official development assistance, integration, immigration, dependency, Afro-European.


Babes-Bolyai University


General Medicine

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