Tentatives de résolution du conflit congolais accords, accalmie et rebondissements


Kenge Mukinayi Dominique,


"What are the reasons for the failure of the ""peace agreements"" signed by the protagonists of the ever-revolving Congolese conflict? The signing of peace agreements, the presence of foreign forces and the presence of international armed troops have not prevented the armed conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo (since 1996) from continuing. The application of the texts of the various agreements concluded between the states of the region to put an end to the insecurity that reigns there is slow, which is why they often become inoperative because they are not applied at the appropriate time. A lasting peace in the DRC does not seem to be within reach, especially in the next few years. The deployment of peacekeepers in the country at the beginning of this new millennium seems to be planned for a long-term anchorage in the DRC. In spite of this UN mechanism, the country continues to suffer under the weight of insecurity due to this war that does not say its name. The vicious circle is thus complete: conflict calls for the presence of UN forces, which are unable to curb the insecurity. A long-term presence in the DRC in the heart of Africa seems inescapable. Keywords: accord de paix, négociation, violence, conflit, résolution, ressources naturelles "


Babes-Bolyai University

Reference41 articles.

1. "1. Coser, Lewis (1956), The functions of social conflicts, New-York, Free press, 188 p.

2. 2. David, Charles-Philippe (2020), Les soldats de la paix. Dans la guerre et la paix, Éditions : Presses de Science Po., 568 p.

3. 3. David, Charles-Philippe et David Dominique (2013), « La guerre a-t-elle un avenir? », Dans Politique étrangère, 234 p. https://www.cairn.info/revue-politique-etrangere-2013-3-page-24.htm

4. 4. Deneault, Alain (2008), Noir Canada : pillage, corruption et criminalité en Afrique, Éco société, Québec, 352 p.

5. 5. Deveaux, Jacques (2021), RDC: les Casques bleus réduisent leur présence. France info: Afrique, publié le 24 avril 2019, consulté le 10 juin 2021, www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/afrique/république-democratique-du-congo/rdc-les-casques-bleus-reduisent-leur-presence_3412823.html








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