1. "1. Nicholas E. DENYSENKO, The Orthodox Church in Ukraine. A Century of Separation (NIU Series in Orthodox Christian Studies) ch. 5: "Orthodoxy in Ukraine: The Late- and Post-Soviet Period (1989-2015)", Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1515/9781501757846
2. an earlier version (2015) is available at https://www.academia.edu/21698735/Orthodoxy_in_Ukraine_the_Late_and_Post_Soviet_Period_1989_2015.
3. 2. Olga BALAKIREVA and Iuliia Sereda, "Religion and Civil Society in Ukraine and Russia", in Religion and Civil Society in Europe, edited by Joep DE HART, Paul DEKKER and Loek HALMAN, Dordrecht - Heidelberg -New York - London: Springer, 2013, 219¬¬-250.
4. 3. Zenon V. WASYLIW, "Orthodox Churches in Ukraine", in Eastern Christianity and Politics in the Twenty-first Century, edited by Lucian N. LEUSTEAN, London: Routledge, 2014, 312-333.
5. 4. "Русский Мир" Кирила не для України. Збірка наукових статей [Kirill's "Russian World" is Not for Ukraine. A Collection of Scholarly Articles], edited by Anatoliy KOLODNY. Kyiv: UARR, 2014; Релігійна безпека/небезпека України: збірник наукових праць і матеріалів [Religious Security/Danger of Ukraine. Collection of Scholarly Works and Materials], edited by Anatoliy KOLODNYI, Kyiv: UARR, 2019.