Simplified Seismic Design Procedure for Geosynthetic-Lined, Solid-Waste Landfills


Bray J.D.1,Rathje E.M.2,Augello A.J.3,Merry S.M.4


1. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-1710, USA, Telephone: 1/510-642-9843, Telefax: 1/510-642-7476,

2. Department of Civil Engineering, University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712-1076, USA, Telephone: 1/512-471-4929, Telefax: 1/512-471-6548,

3. Haley & Aldrich, 465 Medford St., Suite 2200, Boston, Massachusetts 02129, USA, Telephone: 1/617-886-7400, Telefax: 1/617-886-7600,

4. Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, USA, Telephone: 1/801-585-9726, Telefax: 1/801-585-5477,


This paper critically reviews seismic design practices in light of the observed performance of landfills during recent earthquakes. Developments in these areas are summarized as follows: earthquake ground motions, dynamic waste fill properties, dynamic responses of geomembranes and their interfaces, nonlinear dynamic response analysis, and seismic stability evaluation. A newly developed simplified seismic analysis procedure that requires the most critical factors be addressed during a seismic performance evaluation is presented. The underlying seismic analysis procedure has been validated against observed performance of landfills shaken by the 1989 Loma Prieta and 1994 Northridge, California earthquakes. The procedure is comprehensive in that it requires: (i) characterization of the design bedrock motions in terms of intensity, frequency content, and duration; (ii) estimation of the seismic loading at the base and cover of the landfill; (iii) e valuation of performance in terms of seismically induced permanent deformations; and (iv) appropriate engineering judgment.


Thomas Telford Ltd.


Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology,Civil and Structural Engineering

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