1. Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Creativity is viewed as a trait of essential use in many contexts. The need for creative people in different domains implies that school should develop and evaluate creativity in their curriculum. Runco identified more than 80 creativity tests in English. No equivalent compendium exists for creativity tests in French. Thus, francophone students are not well deserved by the current state of creativity’s testing. The first objective of this article is to identify existing French tests of creativity with children and adolescent subjects that were identified in different databases using a systematic literature review method. The second objective is to present the key components and psychometric values of each identified test. Eight instruments for francophones were identified as being validated or being used in research setting with children or adolescent. Different theories of creativity associated with each test are also presented to guide the reader in selecting the most appropriate test for his school curriculum or his research.
Developmental and Educational Psychology