Adaptive Dynamic Range Optimization (ADRO): A Digital Amplification Strategy for Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants


Blamey Peter J.1


1. ADRO® is the registered trademark of Dynamic Hearing Pty Ltd.


Adaptive dynamic range optimization (ADRO) is an amplification strategy that uses digital signal processing techniques to improve the audibility, comfort, and intelligibility of sounds for people who use cochlear implants and/or hearing aids. The strategy uses statistical analysis to select the most information-rich section of the input dynamic range in multiple-frequency channels. Fuzzy logic rules control the gain in each frequency channel so that the selected section of the dynamic range is presented at an audible and comfortable level. The ADRO processing thus adaptively optimizes the dynamic range of the signal in multiple-frequency channels. Clinical studies show that ADRO can be fitted easily to all degrees of hearing loss for hearing aids and cochlear implants in a direct and intuitive manner, taking the preferences of the listener into account. The result is high acceptance by new and experienced hearing aid users and strong preferences for ADRO compared with alternative amplification strategies. The ADRO processing is particularly well suited to bimodal and hybrid stimulation which combine electric and acoustic stimulation in opposite ears or in the same ear, respectively.


SAGE Publications


Speech and Hearing

Reference48 articles.

1. Microendoscopic transoral C02-laser resection of an extensive nasopharyngeal and oral teratoma

2. Pitch comparisons of acoustically and electrically evoked auditory sensations

3. Blamey P, Armstrong M, James C. (1997). Cochlear implants, hearing aids, or both together? In Clark GM, editor: Cochlear Implants. Bologna: Monduzzi Editore; pp 273–277.

4. Monaural and Binaural Loudness Measures in Cochlear Implant Users with Contralateral Residual Hearing

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