The Seventy-two and their Many Grandchildren: A Review of Septuagint Studies from 1997 Onward


De Troyer Kristin1


1. University of St Andrews, Scotland


In this article, a summary will be offered of tools published in the field of Septuagint studies, such as editions, concordances, lexica, bibliographies, and translations. Then we will cover the origins of the Old Greek translations, as well as the forms of Greek used in the Septuagint. This article will also treat the debate about whether variants go back to a different Hebrew Vorlage, or to the interpretation of a translator. Contributions to the field of the early Jewish Greek revisions will also be summarized. Finally, in this survey of Septuagint studies, special attention will be given to the contents of Introductions to the Septuagint, and scholarly Proceedings and Festschriften on the Septuagint.


SAGE Publications


General Medicine

Reference319 articles.

1. Aejmelaeus A. 2001a ‘Characterizing Criteria for the Characterization of the Septuagint Translators: Experimenting on the Greek Psalter’, in Hiebert, Cox, Gentry (eds.) 2001: 54-73.

2. Aejmelaeus A. 2001b ‘What We Talk about When We Talk about Translation Technique’, in Taylor (ed.) 2001: 531-52. [repr. in Aejmelaeus 2007: 205-22]

3. Aejmelaeus A. 2003 ‘“Rejoice the Lord!” A Lexical and Syntactical Study of the Semantic Field of Joy in the Greek Psalter’, in Baasten, Van Peursen (eds.) 2003: 501-22.







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