1. Reference under 48A of the Criminal Appeal (Northern Ireland Act 1978) (No.1 of 1975), [1976] All ER 937, 947. Also quoted in Police the Constitution and the Community, edited by Baxter John and Koffman Laurence, Professional Books Limited, 1985, p. 189.
2. Waddington P.A.J. (1991) The Strong Arm of the Law, Oxford: Clarendon Press, p. 123.
3. Oxford K. (1984) Policing by Consent. Article published in Scarman and After, edited by Benyon John, Pergamon Press, 1984, p. 114.
4. Mark RobertSir (1977) Policing in a Perplexed Society, Allen and Unwin (Publishers) Ltd, p. 25.