1. Bauer J (2018) Speech at the 7th meeting. Parliament of the Czech Republic. Available at: https://www.psp.cz/eknih/2017ps/stenprot/007schuz/s007216.htm#r2 (accessed 16 August 2021).
2. Bělobrádek P (2017) Speech at the 59th meeting. Parliament of the Czech Republic. Available at: https://www.psp.cz/eknih/2013ps/stenprot/059schuz/s059264.htm#r2 (accessed 16 August 2021).
3. Benda M (2007) Speech at the 14th meeting. Parliament of the Czech Republic. Available at: https://www.psp.cz/eknih/2006ps/stenprot/014schuz/s014253.htm#r2 (accessed 10 August 2021).
4. Benda M (2017) Speech at the 59th meeting. Parliament of the Czech Republic. Available at: https://www.psp.cz/eknih/2013ps/stenprot/059schuz/s059268.htm#r3 (accessed 10 August 2021).
5. Blažek P (2015) Speech at the 27th meeting. Parliament of the Czech Republic. Available at: https://www.psp.cz/eknih/2013ps/stenprot/027schuz/s027036.htm#r1 (accessed 10 August 2021).