3. Plastic Bag Suffocation


Martinez A L Perez1,Chui P2,Cameron J. M3


1. Postgraduate Student, Department of Forensic Medicine, The London Hospital Medical College, Turner Street, London E1 2AD

2. Forensic Pathologist, Department of Forensic Medicine, Institute of Science and Forensic Medicine, Outram Road, Singapore 0316

3. Emeritus Professor of Forensic Medicine, University of London


Suffocation by plastic bag is not common. The finding of a body at the scene of death with a plastic bag in situ could be diagnostically valuable to the pathologist. Otherwise the pathologist may be hard put to arrive at a firm opinion as to how the deceased met his/her death; in fact, in three of the cases reported in this paper, the local pathologist could not give a cause of death when the initial autopsy was performed. Plastic bags could be accidentally placed over the head; put there to help in the inhalation of volatile substances; with homicidal intention; or simply as an effective suicidal method. The object of this paper is to study the cases where bodies were found with a plastic bag over the head, and in particular the cases where the cause of death was due to plastic bag suffocation.


SAGE Publications


Law,Health Policy,Issues, ethics and legal aspects

Reference8 articles.

1. Alcohol and Violent Accidental and Suicidal Death

2. Di Maio D. J., Di Maio V. J. (1989) Forensic Pathology. Elsevier Science Publishing Co, pp. 209–10.

3. Plastic-bag Suicide

4. Knight B. (1991) Forensic Pathology. Edward Arnold, pp 327–8 and 356–9








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