Movement Models from Sports Provide Representative Task Constraints for Studying Adaptive Behavior in Human Movement Systems


Davids Keith,Button Chris1,Araújo Duarte2,Renshaw Ian3,Hristovski Robert4


1. School of Physical Education, University of Otago, New Zealand

2. Faculty of Human Kinetics, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal

3. Division of Sport and Recreation, Faculty of Health, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

4. Faculty of Physical Culture, University of St Cyril and Methodius, Republic of Macedonia


Researchers studying adaptive behavior in human movement systems have traditionally employed simplified, laboratory-based movement models in an effort to conserve experimental rigor. Brunswikian psychology raises questions over the representativeness of many of these popular experimental models for studying how movements are coordinated with events, objects, and surfaces of dynamic environments. In this article we argue that sports provide rich ecological constraints for representative task design in modeling the complex interactions of human performers with their environments. Adopting a functionalist perspective enriched by ideas from ecological psychology and nonlinear dynamics, we consider data from exemplar movement models in basketball and boxing to support this contention. We show that this preference for movement models from sports, although not completely novel, has accelerated over recent years, mainly due to the theoretical re-emphasis on studying the interaction of individual and task constraints. The implications of using such applied models of move ment behavior in studying the design of natural and artificial systems are also discussed.


SAGE Publications


Behavioral Neuroscience,Experimental and Cognitive Psychology







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