The Older Patient in Psychoanalysis


Valenstein Arthur F.1


1. 140 Foster Street Cambridge, MA 02138-4746, , Psychoanalytic Institute of New England, East


The demographic shift toward extended longevity has led to a commensurate increase in the length of the working and productive years, and with it an increase in the number of so-called “older” patients who come into psychoanalysis or psychoanalytic psychotherapy. This led the Psychoanalytic Research and Development Fund to support a four-year study by a small group of experienced psychoanalysts of “the older patient in psychoanalysis.” Aging and old age are considered to be the final developmental crisis of the successive epigenetic phases of the life cycle. Eleven case presentations and various briefer clinical vignettes informed us that older and even old individuals, who seek treatment themselves or who are appropriately referred, respond in a positive and effective fashion to psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapy. As do younger patients in analysis, such older people, motivated by the wish to make the most of what time is left, become interested in understanding their pasts with respect to the present and the future. The life stories of two older men who undertook analysis, and the courses and outcomes of their analyses, illustrate our findings and impressions. In both cases conflicts and difficulties from earlier developmental phases, extending back even as far as the oedipal and preoedipal years, were revived during their older years. And although these conflicts might have been beyond definitive resolution, what is salient is the extent to which they were ameliorated: sufficiently that they did not impede a satisfactory adaptive solution of the final crisis of the normative sequences of the life cycle.


SAGE Publications


Clinical Psychology,Arts and Humanities (miscellaneous)

Reference50 articles.

1. Abraham, K. (1919). The applicability of psycho-analytic treatment to patients at an advanced age. In Selected Papers on Psychoanalysis . London: Hogarth Press, 1927, pp. 312—317.

2. Bibring, G.L. (1966). Old age: Its liabilities and its assets, a psychological discourse. In Psychoanalysis: A General Psychology, ed. R. Loewenstein. New York : International Universities Press, pp. 253—271.

3. Cath, S.H. (1965). Some dynamics of middle and later years: A study of depletion and restitution. In Geriatric Psychiatry: Grief, Loss and Emotional Disorders in the Aging Process, ed. M.A. Berezin & S.H. Cath. New York: International Universities Press, pp. 21—72.

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