1. Angoff, W.H. (1982). Summary and derivation of equating methods used at ETS. In P. W. Holland & D. B. Rubin (Eds.), Test equating (pp. 51-69). New York: Academic Press.
2. Angoff, W.H. (1971). Scales, norms, and equivalent scores. In R. L. Thomdike (Ed.), Educational measurement (pp. 508-600). Washington DC: American Council on Education. (Reprinted by Educational Testing Service, Princeton NJ, 1984 .)
3. Approximating Standardized Achievement Test Norms With a Theoretical Model
4. Braun, H.I. & Holland, P.W. (1982). Observed score test equating: A mathematical analysis of some ETS equating procedures. In P. W. Holland &D. B.Rubin (Eds.), Test equating (pp. 9-49). New York: Academic Press.