1. Department FISPPA, University of Padua, Padova, Italy
The article presents a new computerized adaptive testing (CAT) procedure for use with batteries of unidimensional tests. At each step of testing, the estimate of a certain ability is updated on the basis of the response to the latest administered item and the current estimates of all other abilities measured by the battery. The information deriving from these abilities is incorporated into an empirical prior that is updated each time that new estimates of the abilities are computed. In two simulation studies, the performance of the proposed procedure is compared with that of a standard procedure for CAT with batteries of unidimensional tests. The proposed procedure yields more accurate ability estimates in fixed-length CATs, and a reduction of test length in variable-length CATs. These gains in accuracy and efficiency increase with the correlation between the abilities measured by the batteries.
Psychology (miscellaneous),Social Sciences (miscellaneous)