1. University of Newcastle upon Tyne
The careers of chancellors and vice-chancellors of British universities and of the principals of colleges at Oxbridge, London and Wales, are analysed by the use of data drawn mainly from Who's Who. Those who hold these posts play an important part in the relationship of universities with the government and other sections of society; moreover the administrative responsibilities of vice-chancellors have grown rapidly in recent years. Changes over the past thirty years in the composition of these groups are examined. The growth in the number of universities has led to wider recruitment of chancellors, notably, however, by the appointment of more members of the royal family. Among vice-chancellors and principals there has been a shift towards recruiting scientists; only Oxford colleges hold out against this change. There is still a very high level of internal recruitment of Oxford and Cambridge college principals, and Oxbridge still prepares, as undergraduates or teachers, a large proportion of those appointed at other universities. However the upgrading of Colleges of Advanced Technology has created a group of vice-chancellors with quite different career patterns. The activities of vice-chancellors outside their main careers, the honours and titles they hold, and their club memberships are analysed for the period since 1935. Changes in marital status and fertility are also examined.
Sociology and Political Science
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9 articles.