‘Snowed in!’: Offbeat Rhythms and Belonging as Everyday Practice


Bennett Julia1


1. Manchester Metropolitan University, UK


Belonging is usually seen as a taken-for-granted, and perhaps ill-defined, aspect of everyday life. Through looking at the weather, family life and the local neighbourhood, this article argues that belonging should be recognised as an active and rhythmic practice, creating and recreating relationships, or an ‘ethic of care’, between people, place and history. Using elements of Lefebvre’s rhythmanalysis, the article employs a diary written during a week of inclement weather to illustrate how belonging is done through the rhythms and activities of everyday life, such as being a neighbour. This demonstrates how belonging as a way of being-in-the-world, an ‘ontological belonging’, is practical, material and tangible. Repositioning the ‘sense’ of belonging as an everyday activity with tangible consequences brings with it associated responsibilities (an ‘ethic of care’) for place and the people who live there.


SAGE Publications


Sociology and Political Science

Reference45 articles.

1. Bennett J (2012) Doing belonging: A sociological study of belonging in place as the outcome of social practices. PhD Thesis, University of Manchester, UK.

2. Gifted Places: The Inalienable Nature of Belonging in Place

3. Bricks, Mortar, Memories: Neighbourhood and Networks in Collective Acts of Remembering

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