1. Department of Social Work, California State University San Bernardino, San Bernardino, CA, USA
Purpose: The Theory Evaluation Scale (TES) is a psychometric tool for analyzing theoretical frameworks that guide practice. Its flexibility assumption contends that a single rater or a panel of experts can evaluate a given theory and the two sets of scores will be comparable. This study tests this assumption, using a popular practice model in social work: the Strengths Perspective (SP). Method: A panel of 50 social work faculty and administrators from five English-speaking countries used the TES to determine the theoretical quality of the SP. Their scores were first analyzed through common measures of central tendency and then compared to findings in an existing evaluation for the same theory. Results: The analysis yielded excellent overall TES scores for the SP (mean = 32.03, median = 33.00, mode = 36). These results reflect the 35 overall score that the theory received in Joseph et al.'s (2022) evaluation. Conclusion: Therefore, besides showing an excellent overall quality for the SP, these results support the flexibility assumption of the TES. These findings bear major implications for social work theory, practice, and research.