1. American Society for Testing and Materials , "ASTM Book of Standards," Part 27. Recommended Practise for Outdoor Weathering of Plastics, D1435-65, Philadelphia , 1968. pp. 507-511.
2. American Society for Testing and Materials , "ASTM Book of Standards," Part 30, Conducting Natural Light (Sunlight and Daylight) Exposures Under Glass, Philadelphia , 1968, pp. 508-511.
3. American Society for Testing and Materials , "ASTM Book of Standards," Part 30, Operating Light and Water Exposure Apparatus (Carbon Arc Type), E42-65, Philadelphia , 1968, pp. 146-154.
4. American Society for Testing and Materials , "ASTM Book of Standards," Part 30, Operating Light and Water Exposure Apparatus (Xenon Arc Type), E239-64T. Philadelphia , 1968, pp. 752-759.