1. UTEC, Uruguay
2. IMFIA, Facultad de Ingeniera, UdelaR, Montevideo, Uruguay
Wind farm power curves are particularly relevant in different applications. A better understanding of wind farm power curves under different atmospheric regimes is sought. In the present work, the atmospheric stability regime was identified by the vertical gradient of the potential temperature. Vertical profile of the wind velocity presented a clearly different pattern during the stable and unstable regimes. Analysis was performed considering 5 years of data from three wind farms, each corresponding to different mesoscale wind. Power curves are presented as a function of atmospheric stability. For each wind farm, we utilized wind velocity and temperature data measurements of a correspondent near the tower location. Clearly different patterns of wind farm power curves were observed as a function of the stability regime, with clear differences in the dependence of mesoscale wind regimes. For the same mean velocity, wind power production is greater for higher values of turbulence intensity TI.