Tracheal reconstruction continues to be a challenge in head and neck surgery. Numerous techniques, Including the use of alloplasts, composite grafts, and staged laryngotracheal troughs, have met with limited success because of Implant exposure, Infection, persistent granulation tissue, and eventual restenosis. With recently introduced techniques for soft-tissue molding, bone induction with bone morphogenetic protein, and microvascular free tissue transfer, a rodent model was developed to create a well-vascularized tracheal autograft. In this model, a rigid tube having the same dimensions and flexibility as the native trachea was created by wrapping a cylindrical silicone tracheal mold with a layer of vascularized adductor thigh muscle pedicled on the femoral vessels in the groin. Tracheal rings were created by filling transverse troughs in the muscle bed with bone morphogenetic protein—primed demineralized bone matrix before wrapping around the silicone mold. Grafts harvested at 2 weeks demonstrated rigid skeletal support provided by heterotopic bone formation in the form of rings and a smooth inner lining produced by fibroplasia. Bone transformation was controlled and restricted to the muscle troughs, allowing intervening regions of soft tissue and thus producing a flexible neotrachia. With this model, a homologous, vascularized tracheal autograft capable of microvascular free tissue transfer was fabricated based on the femoral vessels. Prefabrication of composite grafts, through the use of soft-tissue molding, bone Induction, and subsequent free tissue transfer, has an unlimited potential for use in head and neck reconstruction.
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