1. Managing the health effects of climate change
2. Toward a Sustainable Health System: A Call to Action
3. Office of the Auditor General of Canada. Lessons learned from 30 years of climate change challenges and opportunities in Canada. Lessons learned from Canada’s record on climate change. https://www.oag-bvg.gc.ca/internet/English/att__e_43948.html. Published November 25, 2021. Accessed November 17, 2023.
4. Canadian Medical Association. COMMENTARY: tackling the health system’s carbon footprint: when part of the problem becomes part of the solution. Canadian Medical Association. https://www.cma.ca/about-us/what-we-do/press-room/commentary-tackling-health-systems-carbon-footprint-when-part-problem-becomes-part-solution. Published December 1, 2023. Accessed January 28, 2024.
5. Greater action on climate change by physicians needed