1. North Staffordshire Polytechnic
2. Sheffield City Polytechnic
This article presents information drawn from surveys of US and UK businessmen. It indicates that, despite preconceptions, the quality of credit management among small enterprises compares favourably with that among large companies. However, it finds that from the customer's perspective the credit offerings of many firms in both countries and size classes could be improved. Suggestions are offered concerning the customer-generating characteristics of an attractive credit package, and businessmen in both countries are urged to make more use of facilities for management education. 1 1 The findings reported here are extracted from a broader investigation of marketing strategy conducted by Shipley. Gratitude is extended for the generous financial support provided by Shell UK Limited, Hallmark International Inc., Western Litho Plate Company, The Foundation for Management Education, and North Staffordshire Polytechnic.
Cited by
1 articles.
1. Brand-naming industrial products;Industrial Marketing Management;1993-02