1. Internal MedicineGastroenterology and Liver UnitGastroenterology AreaFondazione Policlinico Universitario GemelliUniversità Cattolica del Sacro CuoreRomeItaly
2. Department of Internal MedicineGastroenterology and Hepatology UnitSahlgrenska University HospitalGothenburgSweden
3. Internal Medicine IIIGastroenterology and HepatologyMedical University of ViennaAustria
4. Gastroenterology DepartmentClinical Emergency Hospital BucharestUMF Carol DavilaRomania
5. Trinity Academic Gastroenterology GroupTrinity College DublinTrinity Centre for Health SciencesTallaght HospitalIreland
6. Department of BiochemistryMedical University of LodzPoland
7. Department of Gastroenterology and HepatologyRadboudumc NijmegenThe Netherlands
8. Department of GastroenterologyNorth Zealand University HospitalFrederikssundDenmark