1. WarrenE. Some Account of the Letheon; Or, Who was the Discoverer? Second Edition, Second Issue. Dutton and Wentworth, Printers, Boston 1847; p. 79.
2. WarrenE. Some Account of the Lethēon: Or, Who Is the Discoverer? Third Edition, First Issue. Dutton and Wentworth, Printers, Boston 1847; p. 84–85.
3. WarrenE. Some Account of the Lethēon: Or, Who Is the Discoverer? Third Edition, Second Issue. Dutton and Wentworth, Printers, Boston 1847; p. 84–85.
4. RiceN.P. Trials of a Public Benefactor, as Illustrated In the Discovery of Etherization. Pudney & Russell, New York 1859; p. 137.