It's Just a Phase We're Going Through: A Review and Synthesis of OD Phase Analysis


Bullock R.J.,Batten Donde


This article identifies the description of OD phases as one of the fundamental theoretical problems in the field of organization de velopment. Although phase models have been proposed for over 30 years, consensus has not emerged regarding the model most ap propriate for OD. This article articulates seven key criteria for evaluating phase models in OD and uses these criteria to evaluate over 30 past phase models as well as the phase model proposed in this article. Three approaches to OD phase analysis-the theoreti cal approach, the historical approach, and the intervention approach—are identified and specific models and examples are re viewed within each approach. Because no previous phase model satisfies all seven criteria, a phase model is developed that approxi mates as closely as possible the optimal solution to the phase prob lem. This four-phase model of exploration, planning action, and integration satisfies all seven criteria. The validity, generality, and utility of the model are supported by demonstrating that pre vious phase designations can be meaningfully subsumed under this four-phase model. Finally, the article demonstrates that phase analysis has important implications for OD case studies. The four- phase model presented here can be used as a standard yet flexible structure for reporting and integrating case studies of OD. The useof standard phase designations provides a foundation for accumulating knowledge across multiple OD case studies and for testing theories and hypotheses of OD using rigorous statistical methodology.


SAGE Publications

Reference54 articles.







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