The value of adherence information during clinical pharmaceutical trials


Grayek Emily N1ORCID,Fischhoff Baruch1,Davis Alexander L1,Krishnamurti Tamar2ORCID


1. Department of Engineering and Public Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

2. Division of General Internal Medicine, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA


Background/Aims The quality of the evidence used to evaluate a drug’s safety and efficacy depends, in part, on how well participants adhere to the prescribed drug-taking regime. There are multiple approaches to measure adherence in clinical trials, varying in their cost and accuracy. We demonstrate a method for evaluating the cost-effectiveness of common adherence monitoring methods, considering the costs and data quality for drugs that differ in how forgiving they are of nonadherence. Methods We propose a simulation approach to estimate the value of evidence about adherence, considering both costs of collection and potential errors in interpreting clinical trial results. We demonstrate the approach with a simulated clinical trial of nitrendipine, a common calcium channel blocker. We consider two trial designs, one using pretrial adherence to “enrich” the trial sample and one without an enrichment strategy. We use scenarios combining high and low values of two key properties of a clinical trial: participant adherence and drug forgiveness. Results Under the conditions of these simulations, the most cost-effective adherence monitoring approach depends on both trial participant adherence and drug forgiveness. For example, the enrichment strategy is not cost-effective for the base scenario (high forgiveness and high adherence), but is for other scenarios. We also estimate the effects of evaluable patient analysis, a controversial procedure that excludes nonadherent participants from the analyses, after a trial is completed. Conclusions Our proposed approach can guide drug regulators and developers in designing efficient clinical trials and assessing the impact of nonadherence on trial results. It can identify cost-effective adherence-monitoring methods, given available knowledge about the methods, drug, and patients’ expected adherence.


richard king mellon foundation

CIT Deans Fellowship, the Department of Engineering and Public Policy, and Dartmouth Medical School


SAGE Publications


Pharmacology,General Medicine

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