1. Barbara Cordoni is the director of Project Achieve and is an associate professor in the Department of Special Education at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. She completed her EdD at Duke University. Requests for reprints should be addressed to Dr. Barbara Cordoni, Department of Special Education, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale. IL 62901.
2. James P. O'hnnell received his PhD from the University of Pittsburgh and is currently an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
3. Nerella V. Ramaniah. also an associate professor in the Department of Psychology at Southern Illinois University-Carbondale, completed his PhD at the University of Oregon.
4. Jerry Kurtz received his BS from Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and is now pursuing his PhD in the Department of Guidance and Educational Psychology at that University.
5. Karen Rosenshein completed both her BS and MS degrees in special education at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale and is now employed by the Center for Comprehensive Services in Carbondale.