1. John T. Braggio is assiatant professor of psychology at the Unioersity of North Carolina at Asheville and received his PhD in psychology from Georgia State University. Atlanta. Go.
2. Sherryll M. Braggio is a senior psychology major at the University of North Caroltna at AsheviUe completing teacher certification requirements and is a teacher's aide.
3. Joseph H. Lanier is assistant superintendent for special services. Buncombe County Schools, Asheville. N.C., and received his EdD in educational psychology from Duke Unioersity.
4. Larry Simpson received his BA in psychology from the Univermity of North Carolina at Asheoille.
5. Fredricka K. Reisman is an associate professor in the division of elementary education, Univeratty of Georgia. and received her PhD in mathematics education from Syracuse University. A version of this paper w s presented at the XXI international Congress of Psychdogy, Parla. France. luly 18-25. 1976. Requests for reprints should be addressed to Dr. John T. Bmggio. Department of Prychology, University of North Carolina at AsheviIle, Univeraity Heights, AaheviUe. N.C. 28804