1. Psychiatry Registrar, Mood Academic and Clinical Unit, Metro South Addiction and Mental Health Service, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
2. Psychiatrist, Psychosis Academic and Clinical Unit, Metro South Addiction and Mental Health Service, Brisbane, QLD, and; Adjunct Research Fellow, Queensland Centre for Mental Health Research, Wacol, QLD, and; University of Queensland, Adjunct Research Fellow, Queensland Brain Institute, St Lucia, QLD, Australia
3. Director of Training – Queensland, Post-Graduate Training in Psychiatry, Metro South Addiction and Mental Health Service, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
4. Psychiatrist and Director of Training – Central and Southern Cluster, Post-Graduate Training in Psychiatry, Metro South Addiction and Mental Health Service, Brisbane, QLD, and; PhD candidate, University of Queensland, School of Public Health, Herston, QLD, Australia