1. Borrows Peter (2003) Environment Agency Thames Region Flood Defence Manager. Transcript of Interview with Ivan Scrase, Environment Agency, Reading, 19 February.
2. Bowers John (2003) Reader in Applied Economics, Leeds University Business School. Transcript of interview with Ivan Scrase, Leeds, 12 February.
3. Meadowcroft Ian (2003) Risk Analyst, Environment Agency's Environmental Policy Centre for Risk and Forecasting. Transcript of interview with Ivan Scrase, Environment Agency, Reading, 19 Feb.
4. Newbold Chris (2003) Former Chief Ecologist at the Nature Conservancy Council/English Nature. Transcript of interview with Ivan Scrase, interviewee's home, 7 March.
5. ACAH (Advisory Council for Agriculture and Horticulture in England and Wales). 1978. ‘Agriculture and the countryside’ (‘The Strutt report'). London: HMSO.