Design and testing of a high power piezo pump for hydraulic actuation


Sell Nathan1ORCID,Feehally Tom1ORCID,Plummer Andrew1ORCID,Wilson Peter1,du Bois Jonathan1,Johnston Nigel1,Roesner Jens1,De Bartolomeis Andrea1,Love Tom2


1. University of Bath, Bath, UK

2. Safran Landing Systems, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, UK


Traditional valve-controlled hydraulic cylinders are usually very inefficient due to power loss through the control valve. An efficient alternative architecture is to distribute power electrically rather than hydraulically to a group of cylinders and drive each cylinder via individual servomotor-driven pumps. This arrangement is called electrohydrostatic actuation. Such actuators are currently available for power ratings of several hundred watts or greater, but not in the sub-100 W range. This paper details the design, simulation and testing of a piezopump which is intended to address this gap. The motivation is for aerospace applications, and in particular accessory actuators used in the landing gear system. The 10–100 W range is a high-power output for a piezopump, and to achieve this a novel design using disc-style reed valves was developed to allow pumping frequencies above 1 kHz. These high frequencies necessitated the development of custom power electronics capable of delivering 950 V peak-peak sine wave excitation to a largely capacitive load. Experimental results show that the piezopump is capable of delivering over 30 W of hydraulic power, and at no-load can deliver up to 2 L/min of flow at 1250 Hz. Future development includes a transition to multi-cylinder pumps, and improved reed-valve modelling to improve the accuracy of simulated performance.


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