Divergent Paradigms of European Agro-Food Innovation


Levidow Les1,Birch Kean1,Papaioannou Theo1


1. Development Policy and Practice, Open University, MK, UK


The Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) has gained prominence as an agricultural R&D agenda of the European Union. Specific research policies are justified as necessary to create a KBBE for societal progress. Playing the role of a master narrative, the KBBE attracts rival visions; each favours a different diagnosis of unsustainable agriculture and its remedies in agro-food innovation. Each vision links a technoscientific paradigm with a quality paradigm: the dominant life sciences vision combines converging technologies with decomposability, while a marginal one combines agro-ecology with integral product integrity. From these divergent visions, rival stakeholder networks contend for influence over research policies and priorities, especially within the Framework Programme 7 (FP7) on Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology (FAFB), which has aimed to promote a Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy. Although the FAFB programme has favoured a life sciences vision, agro-ecological approaches have gained a presence, thus overcoming their general lock-out from agricultural research agendas. In their own way, each rival paradigm emphasises the need for collective systems to gather information for linking producers with users, as a rationale for the public sector to fund distinctive research priorities.


SAGE Publications


Human-Computer Interaction,Economics and Econometrics,Sociology and Political Science,Philosophy,Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Anthropology

Reference36 articles.

1. Cognitive Representations and Institutional Hybridity in Agrofood Innovation

2. CEC (2007) Communication from the Commission on the mid term review of the Strategy on Life Sciences and Biotechnology. Brussels: Commission of the European Communities.

3. CEC (2011a) A Bioeconomy for Europe: Innovating for Sustainability, Internal Commission working document, February.

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