1. Serviço de Nefrologia, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
2. Clínica Universitária de Nefrologia, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
3. Serviço de Cirurgia Vascular, Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Introduction: Central venous stenosis can be the main obstacle to the creation of an autologous vascular access in the upper limbs. The Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow graft was developed to provide an upper limb vascular access option to such patients, avoiding alternative, less advantageous options, such as lower limb vascular accesses or central venous catheters. Its advantages include catheter avoidance and, in case of lower limbs accesses, reduction of the ischemic risk and iliac vein thrombosis, potentially compromising a future kidney transplant. Patients and methods: Revision of the clinical files of the four patients who were placed a Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow device in our Center, including demographic variables, implantation technique characteristics, surgical complications, episodes of infection and thrombosis of the access, and need to place a transitory central venous catheter to undergo hemodialysis treatment. Results: Four Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow grafts were placed, which resulted in a significant improvement in the dialysis efficacy in all patients, with a median raise in the Kt/V of 36.7%. Two cases needed thrombectomy, one of which was unsuccessful. The actual time of patency varies between 3 and 28 months. Conclusion: Our experience with the Hemodialysis Reliable Outflow device showed that it was a safe option for patients with central venous stenosis and was associated with good clinical and analytic outcomes.