1. 我国工业建设的重大胜利 – 庆祝鞍山大型轧钢厂,无缝钢管厂和七号炼铁炉开工生产 (A major victory in China’s industrial construction – Celebrating the opening of Anshan’s heavy rolling steel mill, seamless steel tubing mill, and number seven iron ore foundry) (1953) 人民日报 (People’s daily), 27 December, 1.
2. The Promise of Infrastructure
3. Security That Matters: Critical Infrastructure and Objects of Protection
4. Reflecting on reflexive thematic analysis
5. 把宝钢建成现代化的钢铁企业 稻山嘉宽在上海举行宴会庆祝宝山钢铁总厂动工 谷牧,彭冲等应邀出席 (Building Baogang a modern iron and steel enterprise, Yoshihiro Inayama extended congratulations on the opening of the main factory of Baoshan Iron and Steel Company at the ceremony in Shanghai, Gu Mu, Peng Chong and others attended [the event] upon invitation) (1978) 人民日报 (People’s daily), 27 December, 4.