Is China an imperialist power?


Harris Jerry


Among the mainstream press, western political elites and sections of the Left, China is accused of exploiting the Global South and even being an imperialist power. China argues it is pursuing a ‘win-win’ policy. To explore this question, this article looks at several factors, including labour exploitation, debt, environmental damage and military activity. Imperialism today operates through a vast network of integrated transnational investments and expansive global assembly lines, overseen by a transnational capitalist class. China’s position in the global capitalist system needs to be assessed in this context. It is certainly a major power within that system and its capitalists engage in the super-exploitation of labour, for example in Africa. At the same time, Chinese development loans have so far helped countries in the Global South build infrastructure and reduce neoliberal austerity, even as associated projects have been beset by corruption and environmental harms. China has not yet used its military in imperialist adventures, but it does apply regional pressure and cultivates military relationships with countries where it has investments. Overall, the picture that emerges is complex and contradictory.


SAGE Publications

Reference82 articles.

1. The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China, “A Global Community of Shared Future: China’s Proposals and Actions,” August 26, 2023,

2. J. Harris, “Global Capitalism and Contemporary Imperialism,” Socialist Forum, August 2022,

3. M. Ben Gadha and I. Louati, “A Counter-Summit in Marrakech to Say Stop to the 79 Years of Neocolonial Exploitation and Destruction by the WB and IMF,” Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, December 2023,

4. Time Doctor, “What’s the Average Salary in China?”

5. Trading Economics, “United States Average Hourly Wages in Manufacturing,”







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