The Extracellular Metallometabolome: Metallophores, Metal Ionophores, and Other Chelating Agents as Natural Products


Maret Wolfgang1ORCID


1. Department of Nutritional Sciences, School of Life Course and Population Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and Medicine, King's College London, London, UK


Natural products include inorganic as well as organic compounds. Living organisms face constant challenges in acquiring essential metal ions and getting rid of non-essential ones with toxic actions. They employ an extracellular biochemistry in these tasks and use it to engage in a chemical warfare against invaders and competitors by either increasing or decreasing the availability of metal ions for maintaining their welfare in aquatic or terrestrial ecological niches. To control mutualistic, cambialistic or parasitic symbiosis with other organisms they use a remarkably rich suite of secreted bioactive molecules with ligand donor atoms for metal binding. This overview discusses the interactions of these extracellular natural products with a multitude of metal ions in the periodic system of the elements. It focuses mainly on metallophores and metal ionophores secreted from bacteria, fungi, and plants, but metal-carrying cofactors and other chelating agents will also be mentioned in the context of related functions and with an intent to categorize. The intracellular fate of the metal ions and the controlled pathways for the biosynthesis, secretion, uptake, biodegradation or recycling of the secreted natural products that interact with metal ions will not be covered. Metallophores make extracellular metal ions available via delivery to specific transporters and unavailable to competing organisms, especially pathogens, though some invaders have developed ways to compete efficiently for metal ions. The classic concept of siderophores, carriers of iron(III) ions, is extended here to specific and broad-band metallophores for metal ions such as copper (chalkophores), zinc (zincophores), and yet others. Metal ionophores, in contrast, transport metal ions through biological membranes. There is a wide variety of chemical structures for either metallophores or metal ionophores. Together with physicochemical investigations of metal complexation und conditions mimicking the natural environment, “omics” mining and mapping the diversity of chemotypes is an on-going effort with analytic, genetic, and bioinformatic tools and comes together in defining the metallometabolome, which combines the metabolome and the metallome. Investigations are highly multidisciplinary, include an important, but academically infrequently crossed bridge between the biosciences (biochemistry) and the earth sciences (geochemistry), define significant applications in the pharmaceutical/medical sciences regarding immune modulation and the control of virulence at the host-pathogen interface, and have implications for the nutritional/toxicological and environmental/ecological sciences.


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