Ovarian cancer in the older patient: where are we now? What to do next?


Rousseau Frédérique123,Ranchon Florence456,Bardin Christophe76,Bakrin Naoual83,Lavoué Vincent91011,Bengrine-Lefevre Leila1223,Falandry Claire1314153ORCID


1. Institut Paoli Calmettes Institute, Marseille, France

2. Société Francophone d'OncoGériatrie (SOFOG)

3. Groupe d’Investigateurs Nationaux pour l’Étude des Cancers de l’Ovaire et du sein (GINECO)

4. Groupement Hospitalier Sud, Unité de Pharmacie Clinique Oncologique, Hospices Civils de Lyon, Pierre-Bénite, France

5. CICLY Centre pour l’Innovation en Cancérologie de Lyon, Oullins, France

6. Société Française de Pharmacie Oncologique (SFPO)

7. Service de Pharmacie Clinique, Hôpital Cochin AP-HP Centre Université Paris Cité, Paris, France

8. Hospices Civils de Lyon, Service de Chirurgie Digestive, CHU Hôpital Lyon-Sud, Pierre-Bénite Cedex, France

9. Service de Gynécologie, CHU de Rennes, Hôpital Sud, Rennes, France

10. UMR S1085, IRSET-INSERM, Université de Rennes, Rennes, France

11. Groupe Français de chirurgie Oncologique et Gynécologique (FRANCOGYN)

12. Département d’Oncologie Médicale, Centre Georges-Francois Leclerc, Dijon, France

13. Hospices Civils de Lyon, Unité de Gériatrie, Centre Hospitalier de la Croix Rousse, 103, Grande Rue de la Croix-Rousse, Lyon 69004, France

14. Université de Lyon, CarMeN Laboratory, INSERM U.1060/Université Lyon 1/INRA U1397/INSA Lyon/Hospices Civils Lyon Bâtiment CENS-ELI 2D; Hôpital Lyon Sud Secteur 2; Pierre-Bénite 69310, France

15. Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, Pierre-Bénite 69310, France Société Francophone d'OncoGériatrie (SOFOG)


In recent years, major advances have been made toward the individualization of epithelial ovarian cancer care, leading to an overall improvement of patient outcomes. However, real-life data indicate that the oldest populations do not benefit from this, due to aspects related to cancer (more aggressive histopathological features), treatment (i.e. frequently suboptimal), and the host (increased toxicities in patients with lower physiological reserve). A specific risk–benefit perspective should therefore be taken when considering surgery, chemotherapy, and maintenance treatments: the decision for cytoreductive surgery should include geriatric vulnerability and surgical complexity, neo-adjuvant chemotherapy being an option when primary surgery appears at high risk; carboplatin paclitaxel association remains the standard even in vulnerable older patients; and bevacizumab and poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors maintenance are interesting options provided they are prescribed according to their indications with a close monitoring of their toxicities. Future studies should aim to individualize care without limiting access of older patients to innovation. A specific focus is needed on age-specific translational analyses (focusing on tumor mutational burden and impaired biological pathways), a better patient stratification according to geriatric parameters, an adaptation of both oncological treatment and geriatric interventions, and treatment adaptations not a priori but according to formal pharmacokinetic data.


SAGE Publications



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