1. Department of Mind Body Medicine & Lifestyle Sciences, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education & Research, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
2. Sri Ramachandra Medical Centre, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Background: In today’s world, developing resilience is crucial for managing stress, preserving mental and emotional health, managing work–life balance, fostering self-growth and good relationships and promoting physical health. Nourishing the mind–body connection, using methods for stress reduction and self-care and incorporating a Mind Body Module can contribute to resilience-building initiatives as well as help in wellness promotion. Purpose: This study aims to design, develop and validate a resilience-building module that incorporates mind–body practices. Method: The existing literature on traditional yoga texts and published scientific studies in the area of mind–body practices was used to build the Mind Body Module. Through this approach, a total of 26 practices were identified based on the strength of evidence. Each of these practices was scored by subject matter experts, and the content validity ratio (CVR) was calculated using Lawshe’s formula for validation. Result: The practices/techniques that scored ≥50% along with those suggested by the experts were grouped, and an eight-week module for resilience building and wellness promotion was developed. Conclusion: The Mind Body Module crafted to foster resilience has brought together the knowledge from the Indian system and the well-being practices from the West in a cogent manner. The module’s viability and effectiveness will be evaluated appropriately.