Understanding FemaleJihadismin Bangladesh: New Trends in “New Normal”?


Sharma Shudipta1ORCID


1. School of Media and Communication, Bowling Green State University, USA; Department of Communication and Journalism, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh


This study aims to understand Bangladeshi female jihadists’ evolving socio-demographic backgrounds, organizational roles, and the driving factors that radicalize them. It is found that besides homemakers and students, female jihadists, who are mainly young, come from various professions, including education, health, business, law, and private jobs. The results indicate that women in higher socioeconomic status, who endorse violent tactics and militant objectives, may be more inclined to participate in jihadism actively. During the COVID-19 pandemic, instead of carrying out violent attacks, they use social media to spread their extremist ideologies, recruit new members, and raise funds. The results show that the Internet played a significant role in the radicalization of women during the pandemic, while family and friends played the leading role in the past.


SAGE Publications


Development,Geography, Planning and Development

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2. Online Radicalisation: How Social Media Is Promoting Islamist Militancy;South Asian Survey;2023-09

3. Mobile Communication and New Social Movement;Mobile Communication in Asian Society and Culture;2023-07-27








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