Going Local: Policy Intellectuals’ Adaptive Strategies under Xi Jinping


Kornreich Yoel1


1. East Asian Studies Department, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel


During the Hu Jintao era, policy intellectuals participated in public debates, openly criticizing existing government policies. During the Xi Jinping era, despite regime efforts to tame intellectuals, some critical voices have retained influence over policymaking processes. What adaptation strategies have they utilized to circumvent the regime’s control over public speech? This article points to two strategies. First, policy intellectuals formed shifting collaborations with both state and nonstate actors. Second, they utilized collaborations with state actors to enter consultative forums. The article finds that policy intellectuals not only formed Beijing-based alliances but also cultivated closer cooperation with local officials. By “going local” in this way, they bypassed Beijing’s tightening political environment. This article focuses on two important policy intellectuals in the healthcare arena who have gone local. It also includes a comparison between these two policy intellectuals and seven of their prominent peers who did not go local, as well as with intellectuals from another policy arena: education.


Tel Aviv University


SAGE Publications

Reference91 articles.

1. China's Foreign Policy Think Tanks: institutional evolution and changing roles

2. Nothing New Under “Top-Level Design”? A Review of the Conceptual Literature on Local Policymaking in China

3. Local participatory innovations and experts as political entrepreneurs: The case of China's democracy consultants

4. Ang Yuen Yuen (2022) “An era just ended in China.” New York Times, Oct. 26. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/10/26/opinion/china-communist-xi-economy.html.

5. Bai Jianfeng 白剑锋 (2006) “专访卫生部部长高强: 公立医院要公益不应逐利” (Interview with Minister of Health Gao Qiang: public hospitals should be in the public interest, they should not seek profits). 人民日报, Jan. 13. http://www.gov.cn/zwhd/2006-01/13/content_157156.htm.








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