1. Biancani Giuseppe, Sphaera mundi seu cosmographia demonstrativa ac facili methodo tradita (Modena, 1653), 27. This work was first published in Bologna in 1620. Nevertheless, the Swiss Jesuit astronomer Johann Baptist Cysat (1587–1657), in his treatise on the 1618 comets, had already suggested the superiority of the Tychonic system: “Atque hanc nos arbitramur esse caeteris expeditiorem ac clariorem sphaerarum coelestium hypothesin cui sane quam proxime respondent motuum et phaenomenorum coelestium praesertim eclipsium observationes.” Cysat J. B., Mathemata astronomica de loco, motu, magnitudine et causis cometae qui sub finem anni 1618 et initium anni 1619 in coelo fulsit (Ingolstadt, 1619), 36 [56]. On Cysat, see Siebert H. Die große kosmologische Kontroverse: Rekonstruktionsversuche anhand des Itinerarium exstaticum von Athanasius Kircher SJ (1602–1680) (Stuttgart, 2006), 316–25.
2. D'Elia Pasquale M., Galileo in Cina: Relazioni attraverso il Collegio Romano tra Galileo e i gesuiti scienziati missionari in Cina (1610–1640) (Rome, 1947), 36–38; and Lattis, Between Copernicus and Galileo (ref. 1), 204–5.